Mental Health First Aid Host Toolkit
The purpose of this toolkit is to make it easy for hosts to promote classes, and get invitees excited about attending this important training. You can download what you need below and even add your own logo if you are interested in co-branding the materials.
Specific MHFA Flyers
Click here for directions on adding your organizations logo.
Copy & Paste Posts, Emails and Talking Points
"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together". Join us as we have partnered with Mental Health First Aid Ohio to bring you a no-cost Mental Health First Aid training. Register here (add link) before (add deadline.)"
"Think twice before laughing along, mental illness is no joke. Learn how to identify the signs of mental illnesses and addiction challenges by taking a mental health first aid class with us. Register Here (add link) before (add deadline.)"
"We're training our people in Mental Health First Aid. You should join us. Register here (add link) before (add deadline.)"
(YOUR ORGANIZATION) enthusiastically commits to collaborating with the Mental Health First Aid Collaborative team to carry out a no-cost training for people who may encounter a person having a mental health and/or addiction crisis.
Mental Health First Aid is a live training program — like regular First Aid or CPR — designed to give people the skills to help someone who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis.
The course uses role-playing and simulations to demonstrate how to recognize and respond to the warning signs of specific illnesses.
Should this opportunity spike your interest, our agency is providing a training for you. We would love for you to be a part of it.
Stay grateful,
Mental Health First Aid is an international, evidence-based training to help citizens identify mental health problems, connect individuals with care, and safely de-escalate crisis situations if needed.
Think of it like Basic First Aid/CPR training--- only to help people through a difficult mental health challenge instead of a heart attack or stroke.
We are excited about the training and encourage you to register.
The need for mental health training has never been greater.
People who complete this course will receive a certification by the National Council of Mental Wellbeing for three years.
Research shows that the sooner people get help for mental health concerns, the more likely they are to have positive outcomes.
We highly recommend you signing up for this training as it will benefit not only your work and personal life, but it will help you grow your own mental wellness as well!
Mental Health First Aid offers two curricula. The core program is tailored for adults; the youth curricula is for adults who support youth (ages 12-18).
The Mental Health First Aid Collaborative has already delivered MHFA to thousands of Ohioans through a network of nationally certified instructors and a team of coordinators.
As staff and volunteers for our organization, do you see signs of prolonged stress, anxiety and depression? Do you want to help- but may not know what to do?
Mental health continues to be in the news as the impact of the pandemic takes its toll. The CDC has reported that 1 out of 3 Americans are now considered clinically depressed or anxious.
Mental Health First Aid is intended for a variety of audiences: First responders, school and college leadership, people who serve older adults, faith communities, minority groups, Ohio peer recovery supporters, friends and family of individuals with a mental illness or addiction or parents interested in learning more about mental illness and addiction.
A new trial of 301 randomized participants found that those who trained in Mental Health First Aid have greater confidence in providing help to others, greater likelihood of advising people to seek professional help, improved coordination with health professionals about treatments, and decreased stigmatizing attitudes.
To date, Mental Health First Aid has been replicated in more than 26 countries, including: England, Scotland, Finland, Canada, Cambodia, China, Ireland, Wales and Singapore.